Sunday, 18 January 2009

Concert in the park

The lack of wifi hotspots make the blogging erratic and the spellings a bit creative. I hope you can deal. Right now we have a little break at the hotel room, so I get to use the computer!
The concert was so cool! I'm sorry the pictures suck and that I you weren't there! The speeches, the artists, the sheer force of the thousands who were there. Yes, it was cold. Yes, it was tedious to stand there for 1,5h wating for it to start. Yes, the hot dog was less than great but did anybody care? No. The feeling of quiet and determined happiness was there just as earlier in the day.
So much was fantastic, but the funniest part was the gigantic screens where the closed caption offered some unintentional enterntainment. Underling Con instead of Under Lincoln, as well as Hirer and Hirer instead of higher and higher.
There were some stone pillars and when you stood on them, you could see the whole mall and the reflecting pool and the memorial at the other end. Everybody climbed up to take a picture and everybody said "!"

I'm going to have to come back to this concert but while it's fresh in my mind I'll mention Jamie Foxx's speech, which was by far the most personal and relaxed. Mary J. Blige singing Lean on me and Garth Brooks, who really got the audience going with American Pie and Shout. I could have lived without U2, but I'm aware that#s total blasphemy, so I'll be gracious and say that Edge rocks! John Mellencamp had most fun on stage and seeing and hearing Stevie Wonder a true treat. We were dancing, singing, hootin' and tootin' but even though we could see the stage from the comfort of a lesser vip section, I think they may have had more fun on the mall!

The president elect's speech was moving and I think inspiring. Just being there was inspiring. Is inspriring. The battery is running out so I'll sign off, return on the Phone and now go out to more martinis and steaks...

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